Keep Your Flowers Fresh With An Orchid Humidity Tray

Published on January 21, 2021

Keeping orchids is notoriously one of the toughest plants to keep happy, as they tend to be quite temperamental. One of the main reasons this could be the case is because of the environment the orchid is in. Each different part of your home could have a range or microclimates, since the light, humidity, and temperature can all change dramatically from room to room.

Orchids Can Be Tough To Maintain

Orchids Can Be Tough To Maintain

Additionally, these changes can also occur throughout the day, which is why setting up the perfect environment and proper conditions for orchids is so tough to do. The best way to keep your orchid happy is to have an orchid humidity tray, which you can easily make yourself.

Even though orchids are one of the toughest plants to maintain, they remain one of the most popular houseplants to have. That’s why you’re almost always guaranteed to see them being sold at garden centers and even supermarkets.

Usually, when someone picks up an orchid and it is done blooming, that’s when the trouble begins. People usually overwater orchids and many struggle to get them to re-bloom. So what is the solution?

Humidity Trays Can Help

Humidity Trays Can Help

One of the most crucial skills of taking care of an orchid is watering it. Overwatering is a common issue. Because orchids grow on trees in nature, they absorb water in the humid air of tropical environments. That’s why placing your plant in a humid room like a kitchen or shower is so beneficial to it.

You’ll still want to water the orchid about once a week, but having a humidity tray will really make all the difference. The reason is that they roots won’t be sitting in water, leaving a possibility for root rot. Orchids thrive in continual airflow, but it must be humid.

Humidity trays keep water in a base while keeping the orchid’s roots suspended above. When the water evaporates, the orchid will drink in the moisture from the humidity. Best of all, the humidity tray is easy to make and maintain, plus it is so pretty!

Easy To Make, Use, And Maintain

Easy To Make, Use, And Maintain

What you’ll need is an orchid pot, drip tray that’s at least one inch larger than the plant pot’s base, and decorative stones. Make sure your plant pot has large holes for air circulation.

Orchids love humidity but need to have dry roots. A deep tray that’s larger than the pot’s base will let more water in, meaning more humidity as well. Fill your tray up with decorative stones (or glass, pebbles, anything you like). Make sure you keep the water at the correct level and add in water as is evaporates. Wash and clean the tray every month.